Europe User Conference

The i2 team ran a webinar last week to introduce the enhanced functionality of the July 2023 Product Release which included a live demo and Q&A session. Attended by users from across the globe, it was an opportunity to hear from the team first-hand and see the new features in action.

Adam Leach, VP of Research and Development, opened the session, which was followed by Ryan Hoover, i2 Product Manager, who took us through the highlights of the new features.

The new release was demonstrated live by Mark Bingley, our Experience Design Lead, who ran through some of the exciting new features in real-time. To close, Gina Collins, Product Manager, rounded up the session with some further i2 updates.

Watch the webinar in full below.

New licencing model

As part of the new release, a new licensing model is being introduced. For further information, watch this video by Dan Brace from our Customer Support team.


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See the Product Release Announcement

Product Release Annoucement