Europe User Conference

About i2

i2 Group is a world leader in intelligence analysis software. For more than 30 years we have empowered intelligence analysts and investigators to discover, create, and exploit actionable intelligence to identify the perpetrators of criminal activity.
Young woman at a monitor working with i2 software.
Man looking at a glass display

Our mission

To empower analysts and investigators to discover, create and disseminate actionable intelligence to combat criminal and terrorist activity.

What we do

Our customers undertake some of the most critical intelligence analysis work on the planet. We help them to tackle everything from terrorism to tiger poaching, online exploitation to organised crime, and match fixing to modern day slavery.



Securing insights and enabling collaboration has never been more critical for organisations as they confront the increasing complexities of intelligence analysis.

i2 is committed to addressing these needs by offering the most complete Commercial-Off-The-Shelf intelligence analysis portfolio on the market.


Who uses i2?

Used globally by law enforcement, intelligence agencies, governments, military, financial institutions, and retail organisations, we help their analysts to identify and bring to justice terrorists, fraudsters and criminals.

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UK police forces

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private sector organizations

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NATO member states

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of the largest US police departments


Founded in Cambridge, UK in 1990, we have more than 30 years’ experience in helping our users to solve complex problems. Our products have been proven in countless real-world operations and are relied upon by 35,000+ users in more than 140 countries.

For more than a decade, i2’s products were an integral part of IBM’s Safer Planet and Security portfolio. Since 2022, i2 has been part of Harris Computer Corporation.