Europe User Conference


Analysis Studio

Customisable i2 solutions to meet 
your investigation goals.
Woman working with i2 Analyst's Notebook

Discover information hidden in mass disparate data that is commonplace in the fight against sophisticated criminal and terrorist organisations. 


Analysis Studio is a software package designed to make it easy for you to select i2 products to meet your investigation needs.

It has at its core i2® Analyst’s Notebook® that includes all the features and tools that analysts have come to rely on and adds flexible options to customise your deployment for your organisation, team size, and mission. 

Start using Analysis Studio today to seamlessly access relevant information on demand to quickly uncover patterns, trends, and connections to help generate actionable insights in near real-time.

Finding hidden connections across multiple, disparate, unconnected data sources to detect criminal activity and other threats is a huge challenge.

Analysis Studio is designed to help organisations increase the efficiency of investigative and intelligence analysis by enabling users to connect to, search and visually analyse a variety of data sources. 

Why use Analysis Studio?

  • Connect to any data source

    Seamlessly connect to any data source, irrespective of what or where it is and immediately bring it into i2 for analysis.

  • Time-saving searches

    Save time by having the ability to search multiple sources at once and then use Seeded Searches to select multiple items in a chart and search for them across all data sources in a single click of a button.

  • Team collaboration

    A chart store enables users to manage their intelligence more effectively by publishing it to a single, searchable source, to allow multiple users to collaborate on projects.

  • Share charts

    A chart-based interface in a web browser makes visual analysis more accessible to analysts. It also offers the same advanced searching and querying functionality that’s available in i2 Analyst’s Notebook.

Woman working at multiple i2 monitors.

Analysis Studio extends i2® Analyst’s Notebook®
with features that enable analysts to connect and search data sources on demand and improve collaboration by securely sharing intelligence. It also includes a web client to make it simpler and more convenient for a broader set of users to work with charts.

More information

  • Analysis Studio

    Analysis Studio is a powerful visual analysis environment. An extensive range of options are also available to extend its capabilities to provide even greater value to analysts.

Contact us

For further information about how Analysis Studio can meet your investigation goals, please contact us or complete the form below.