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Amplifying Intelligence for Banking and Finance

Quickly identify and reduce the impact of financial crime.

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Empowering business to quickly identify and reduce the costs of financial crime.

Protecting your business against increasingly sophisticated fraud actors is a constantly evolving challenge.

Identifying risks and conducting subsequent investigations are often difficult due to data segmentation across the organisations business units.

i2 is a proven counter-fraud solution used by many organisations within the financial services sector.




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Leading the Industry

Taking an all-source holistic approach across both internal, partner, and open-source data, i2 can help quickly identify, enrich, and attribute information; unlocking insights for more efficient investigations.

Supporting all your needs

Advance all types of investigations by transforming complex data into actionable intelligence.

Organised Crime & Terrorism Financing

Combat the ever-growing threats of organized crime and the increasingly sophisticated funding of terrorism.

Application Fraud

Catch fraudsters providing false information to gain unauthorized benefits or services.

Bribery and Corruption

Combat the offering, giving, or receiving something of value to influence actions or decisions.

Identity and Online Fraud

Combatting use of an individual's personal information for financial gain.

Anti-Money Laundering Investigations

Uncover activities that disguise the origins of illegally obtained funds.

Supply Chain Integrity

Ensure the security and reliability of goods and services to guard against disruptions and risks.

Get ready to advance your investigations

Explore Analysis Hub, our most comprehensive i2 solution suite for investigations at scale. Learn more →


What our solutions are used for

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Book a Demo

For further information about how i2 can meet your investigation goals, contact us...