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Mexican Government Uses i2 to Expose Corruption

Written by Administrator | Mar 10, 2023 9:00:00 AM

i2 visual analysis software used to successfully expose corruption and cartel connections.

Mexican President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, recently held a press conference in which i2 charts were used to demonstrate how the Mexican government exposed a corrupt politician's links to the cartels.

Garcia Luna was Mexico’s top law enforcement official. From 2006 to 2012 he served as Secretary of Public Security and, in that capacity, controlled Mexico’s Federal Police Force. Previously, from 2001 to 2005, he was the head of Mexico’s Federal Investigative Agency (“AFI”).

Luna used his official positions to assist the Sinaloa Cartel in exchange for millions of dollars in bribes. Garcia Luna’s activities included facilitating the safe passage for the cartel’s drug shipments, providing sensitive law enforcement information about investigations into the cartel, and helping the cartel attack rival drug cartels.

His involvement with the Sinaloa Cartel facilitated the importation of multi‑ton quantities of cocaine and other drugs into the United States. 

i2's visual analysis tools allow analysts to create compelling visualizations, such as the chart above that was showcased in the broadcast, and which would have played a part in the investigation itself.

You can watch the full broadcast below and on Grupo Reforma's YouTube channel.


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